Mission Vision

1 .Vision: 

To be a pioneering and excellence-oriented clinic that sets standards by producing high quality data based on the continuous development in Drug Research and Development studies of domestic and international pharmaceutical companies.

2. Mission: 

- to ensure the development of Turkish pharmaceutical industry by contributing to the development of national legislations, protection and improvement of ethical values and benefits of society and to the health economics,

-to prevent the outflow of foreign currency and to provide the inflow of foreign currency by serving the countries all around the world, especially our domestic drug industry.

- Our primary goal is to contribute to the protection and improvement of ethical values and benefits of society and to the health economics,

- to become a leading center that generates international knowledge in the field of clinical drug research.

3. Quality Policy: 

Based on national and international standards, laws and regulations, to protect the health and well-being of the volunteers participating in the research, to support the development with continuing education by using assessment and improvement mechanisms that focus on employee satisfaction, thereby providing high quality service for the national and international pharmaceutical sector.